This Regional Studies Policy Impact Book brings together the latest
academic evidence and public policy insights with global value chains
(GVCs) and foreign direct investment (FDI). It comprises a comprehensive
description and explanation of why they matter for regional development
and policy. It focuses on how sub-national regions can leverage them for
innovation and upgrading, or "levelling up". Specifically, its attention
is on how regions can build, embed and reshape GVCs to their local
The book makes the case for proactive sub-national public policy, on the
engagement of GVCs. Vertically engaging with FDI rather than setting the
ground and letting manna drop from heaven. Its chosen approach is
three-fold. First, it looks at why. Why GVCs and FDI matter and why
sub-national policymakers should focus their attention on upgrading. It
critically reviews different streams of research and evidence. This is
in order to identify key definitions and conceptual foundations for the
analysis of the link between GVCs, FDI and innovation at the
sub-national and local level. Second, it looks at what. This is through
new conceptualisations and critical insights on the regional drivers and
impacts of global connectivity, bridging macro-international and
micro-firm level approaches. Third, is the critical how. How
policymakers can leverage GVCs and FDI for their regional benefit. It
aims to review empirical evidence and available policy evaluation in
order to highlight what works (and what does not) when leveraging these
concepts to shape public policies with particular reference to less
developed regions.
If the above is of interest, then the book is for you. It is based on
leading academic literature but uses non-technical language throughout
making it engaging for policymakers, researchers and students alike.