Teaching or learning... Facts or fancy... Theories or practices...
Reality or imagination? Narrative or Science fiction? Science or
literature?What is so important to be present, taught and learnt or part
of the classroom environment? What do teachers seek? Many questions have
been raised recently regarding education. A big shift of revolution has
taken place since the 19th century to the present time.Charles Dickens
is one of those great novelists of all times, who portrayed the poor
conditions of education in his novels. One of those classics is "Hard
Times", which mirrors the reflection of the "Victorian Age".Hence, the
author decided to build on the Dickens' vision to present two contrasted
images and points of view of past and present; 19th century vs. 21st
century.Two acts are presented in this play to dramatize the development
of education regarding modern resources and skills needed and required
as a necessity of the present; such as the 4C's (critical thinking,
creativity, communication, and collaboration) that combine the features
and characteristics of the 21st century learner.