While insights sometimes are slow in coming, they often seem obvious
when they finally arrive. This handbook is an outcome of the insight
that the topics of social support and the family are very closely
linked. Obvious as this might seem, the fact remains that the
literatures dealing with social support and the family have been
deceptively separate and distinct. For example, work on social support
began in the 1970s with the accumulation of evidence that social ties
and social integration play important roles in health and personal
adjustment. Even though family members are often the key social
supporters of individuals, relatively little re- search of social
support was targeted on family interactions as a path to specifying
supporter processes. It is now recognized that one of the most important
features of the family is its role in providing the individual with a
source of support and acceptance. Fortunately, in recen t years, the
distinctness and separateness of the fields of social support and the
family have blurred. This handbook provides the first collation and
integration of social support and family research. This integration
calls for specifying processes (such as the cognitions associated with
poor support availability and unrewarding faIllily constellations) and
factors (such as cultural differences in family life and support
provision) that are pertinent to integration.