In contrast to the great diversity of other crime and delinquency
research measures, those drawn from the CPI and the MMPI have much in
common. They are taken from standardized instruments administered under
controlled conditions, with known stimulus properties and validity
indicators. The CPI and MMPI measures will frequently be instruments of
choice in research on personality and psychodynamics of offenders.
CHAPTER 6 Law Enforcement and Police This chapter encompasses a variety
of scales that refer to law enforcement or police agencies.
Unfortunately, in the case of many scales, these terms are used simply
with the assumption that the respondents understand the concepts and use
them in the same way as researchers. In other cases, however, specific
policing functions are identified and described. As noted in Chapter 3,
a standard order of scale presentation is followed. First the attitudes
scales are presented, followed by the behavior ratings, per- sonality
measures, milieu ratings, prediction measures and finally the very broad
category of description. After the reviews are completed within each
subcategory, other scales in that category are listed. (See Chapter 2
for a description of the criteria that were used in deciding upon
whether a scale would be reviewed or simply listed. ) Listed scales are
presented by title and bibliographic reference, followed by a very brief