The technique of randomization has been employed to solve numerous prob-
lems of computing both sequentially and in parallel. Examples of
randomized algorithms that are asymptotically better than their
deterministic counterparts in solving various fundamental problems
abound. Randomized algorithms have the advantages of simplicity and
better performance both in theory and often is a collection of articles
written by renowned experts in practice. This book in the area of
randomized parallel computing. A brief introduction to randomized
algorithms In the analysis of algorithms, at least three different
measures of performance can be used: the best case, the worst case, and
the average case. Often, the average case run time of an algorithm is
much smaller than the worst case. 2 For instance, the worst case run
time of Hoare's quicksort is O(n ), whereas its average case run time is
only O(nlogn). The average case analysis is conducted with an assumption
on the input space. The assumption made to arrive at the O(n logn)
average run time for quicksort is that each input permutation is equally
likely. Clearly, any average case analysis is only as good as how valid
the assumption made on the input space is. Randomized algorithms achieve
superior performances without making any assumptions on the inputs by
making coin flips within the algorithm. Any analysis done of randomized
algorithms will be valid for all possible inputs.