This anthology comic series is based on Halo Wars 2, the real-time
strategy video game from 343 Industries, which features the new ruthless
villain in the Halo franchise, Atriox, whose defiance of the alien
collective known as the Covenant is unmatched. Atriox, the legendary
Brute who questioned the Great Journey and the will of the Prophets as
he watched his comrades die for their cause. Atriox, who created the
faction known across the universe as the Banished!
The story of Atriox, his rise to power, his contempt for the Covenant
and the formation of the Banished is told across this five-chapter
anthology featuring characters and stories from *Halo Wars 2.*This
collects stories by acclaimed comics creators Cullen Bunn, Jody Houser,
John Jackson Miller, Alex Irvine, Josan Gonzalez, Jonathan Wayshak, Eric
Nguyen and Hayden Sherman.