Russia has a deep and rich cultural tradition of artists, writers,
musicians, and composers. The names Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky, and
Rachmaninoff may belong to the world, but these composers were Russian
through and through. Guitar Atlas: Russia explores the country's
remarkable musical heritage, covering everything from the music of
Russian villages to the sacred tones and melodies adapted from ancient
Byzantine modes. This will give you a deeper understanding and
appreciation for a truly unique culture. Traditional Russian
instruments, like the balalaika, domra, and seven-string guitar, are
explained in detail, as well as the altered tunings and techniques
designed to emulate them. Since folk music is such an integral part of
Russian culture, this book explores familiar work songs, epic songs of
the Russian bards, and romances of the Russian gypsies. Learning these
songs will enrich your repertoire and give you insight into the music
that has inspired some of the greatest artists and musicians in history.
By the time you're done, you will have gained a fresh perspective into
one of the world's greatest musical traditions and see that passion is
at the heart of Russian music. The CD includes all the examples and
demonstrations featured in the book.