Australia's introduced vertebrate pest species cost at least $1 billion
annually in economic, environmental and social impacts. The Guide to
Introduced Pest Animals of Australia is a comprehensive, practical
guide to 60 introduced pest animal species present in Australia,
including 27 mammals, 18 birds, nine freshwater fish, two amphibians and
four reptiles. It contains descriptive information to identify each
species in the field, including distinctive physical characteristics,
size, weight, coloration, diet, breeding behavior, habitat preferences,
and information about footprints, dung, scats and audible animal calls.
Each species profile is accompanied by practical management information,
maps and high-quality photographs - allowing readers to learn about pest
species in their local area, what problems they might cause, and what
control options exist for management. This guide also contains a number
of emerging high-risk pest species that may pose a significant threat to
our natural environment, economy, agriculture and human health.
Whether you are a farmer, natural resource manager, public land manager,
pest controller, teacher, student, field naturalist or wildlife
ecologist, this easy-to-use guide will help you identify Australia's
most significant introduced pest animals in your local area.