This antiquarian volume comprises a comprehensive guide to the
successful cultivation of cabbages in a kitchen garden. Including
historical information, comments on different varieties, practicable
tips, and step-by-step instructions, this text constitutes a must-read
for novice home growers, and makes for a worthy addition to collections
of vegetable growing literature. The chapters of this book include:
'Groups', 'Conditions of Soil', 'The Seed Bed', 'Preparing the Seed Bed
for Late Plants', 'Transplanting', 'Planting the Seed where the Cabbage
is to Grow', 'How Much Seed Per Acre', 'Rotation of Crops',
'Cultivation', 'Types and Varieties', 'Wakefield and Winningstadt
Group', etcetera. We are proudly republishing this book, now complete
with a new introduction on kitchen gardening.