THE PRINCETON REVIEW GETS RESULTS! Ace the GRE verbal sections with
800+ words you need to know to excel.
Improving your vocabulary is one of the most important steps you can
take to enhance your GRE verbal score. The Princeton Review's GRE Power
Vocab is filled with useful definitions and study tips for over 800
words, along with skills for decoding unfamiliar ones. You'll also find
strategies that help to liven up flashcards and boost memorization
Everything You Need to Help Achieve a High Score.*
- 800+ of the most frequently used vocab words to ensure that you work
smarter, not harder
- Effective exercises and games designed to develop mnemonics and root
- Secondary definitions to help you avoid the test's tricks and traps
Practice Your Way to Perfection.*
- Over 60 quick quizzes to help you remember what you've learned
- Varied drills using antonyms, analogies, and sentence completions to
assess your knowledge
- A diagnostic final exam to check that you've mastered the vocabulary
necessary for getting a great GRE score