Visiting the zoo is a quintessential childhood experience filled with
wonder and learning. For most kids, the zoo is the only place they will
see exotic and wild animals. It is also a place where they can feel
connected to the natural world and learn the importance of taking care
of wildlife and the environment. Going to the Zoo is a 1,060-word
nonfiction children's picture book designed for ages 5-9. Using
informative text, plus blurbs and tidbits of interesting animal and zoo
insight, Going to the Zoo follows two young friends as they visit the
zoo and learn about the different ways zoos care for their animals.
Vivid illustrations bring the zoo and its activities to life as the
friends explore everything from how zoos feed their animals to why zoo
animals do "tricks." Aimed toward early to middle elementary students,
Going to the Zoo's content is less dense than Michael George's Life at
the Zoo but it is more sophisticated and challenging than Blake Hoena's
The Zoo Book. Going to the Zoo was reviewed by teachers, educators, and
Denver Zoo professionals for content and age appropriateness.