Global Englishes and Change in English Language Teaching analyses the
impact of current ELT practice, bringing together research from the
fields of Global Englishes and ELT to provide suggestions for the
implementation of a Global Englishes for Language Teaching curriculum.
Calling for a critical re-examination of ELT to ensure that classroom
practice reflects how the English language functions as a lingua franca,
this book:
- highlights that multilingualism, not monolingualism, is the norm in
today's globalised world, and that 'non-native' English speakers far
outnumber 'native' English speakers;
- showcases the author's research into English language learner
attitudes towards English and ELT in relation to Global Englishes;
- makes practical suggestions for pedagogical change within ELT.
Global Englishes and Change in English Language Teaching is key reading
for postgraduate students and researchers in the fields of TESOL/ELT and
Global Englishes.