With an epidemic of obesity and heart disease and diabetes on the
rise, Americans need simple, compelling strategies for getting in shape
more than ever.
This practical guide answers that need with advice from four experts:
Mr. Universe Bill Pearl (weight training); Stretching author Bob
Anderson (stretching); Olympic cyclist Ed Burke (aerobic exercise); and
Olympic runner Jeff Galoway (how to run off fat). Part One features 32
exercise programs of stretching, lifting, and moving, customizable for
readers' health considerations, schedule, and level of commitment.
It also covers injuries and other health problems. Part Two discusses
healthy eating, exercise during pregnancy, and ergonomics, and gives
advice about choosing a gym. This edition includes new information on
beginning running, and how to lose weight by running, by Jeff Galloway.
In addition to the programs, 100 pages of the book are devoted to
teaching basic information about the body, how it works, healthy eating,
and how exercise benefits health.