Progress in coronary artery bypass graft surgery has irrefutably
improved the quality of life of many patients. However, we are
confronted with the finding that women - hibit a higher mortality rate
than men. In part, this difference can be explained by clinical
parameters such as age, disease severity, or comorbidity - factors that
have been well studied, but which do not fully explain the observed
differences. This is one reason why, in recent years, psychosocial
variables have attracted special atten- on in this context. In fact,
women and men having undergone a bypass operation - ry a great deal with
respect to, e. g., depression, partner status, and socio-economic
status. Moreover, psychological well-being, on the one hand, and social
isolation, on the other hand, definitely influence the recovery process,
particularly when consi- red under the gender aspect. The Deutsches
Herzzentrum Berlin has been actively supporting gender-specific research
for many years. In this context, a large prospective study on gender
dif- rences in recovery after bypass surgery, carried out by the
Competence Network of Heart Failure, was started at our Department for
Cardiothoracic and Vascular Sur- ry. From the beginning of the study,
psychosocial variables were included as being substantial contributors.
The starting point of the study presented here* by psychologist Dr.
Friederike Kendel are recent empirical investigations about gender
differences in coronary heart disease and the course of recovery after
bypass surgery.