This volume contains the proceedings ofthe NATO Advanced Research
Workshop 950443 on "Gas lasers-recent development and future prospects".
The workshop was held in Moscow, July 2-5, 1995. During the workshop 22
oral presentations and 23 posters havebeen presented. Among the
continuously expanding research on new laser systems in the extending
spectrum range gas lasers are unique in many ways: the availability of
high (average) power in all parts of the spectrum from the far infrared
to the vacuum ultraviolet, the homogeneity ofthe active medium with the
potential ofhigh beam quality even at high power and their relatively
low costs. In the gas laser development one can distinguish the research
towards new or improved laboratory devices and the efforts that are
devoted to the development of characteristics like reliability, low
costs and versatility that make the laser more suitable for industrial
purposes. The industrial applications with dedicated devices are not
only a natural e"1ension ofthe laser development itselfbut moreover they
have nowadays a strong stimulating effecton this development. The
workshop offered the participants many opportunities to discuss
fundamental and technological problems of different types of lasers
connected with beam proporties, excitation technology, new pumping
schemes, pulsed power, construction materials and new codes for the
description of laser operation. The interest was especially directed
towards high power systems operating in the ultraviolet and vacuum
ultraviolet, the radio'frequency discharge physics for waveguide
structures and the achievement in molecular CO and CO systems.