Various applications of the homogenization theory of partial
differential equations resulted in the further development of this
branch of mathematics, attracting an increasing interest of both
mathematicians and experts in other fields. In general, the theory deals
with the following: Let Ak be a sequence of differential operators,
linear or nonlinepr. We want to examine the asymptotic behaviour of
solutions uk to the equation Auk = f, as k =, provided coefficients of
Ak contain rapid oscillations. This is the case, e. g. when the
coefficients are of the form a(e/x), where the function a(y) is periodic
and ek 0 ask =. Of course, of oscillation, like almost periodic or
random homogeneous, are of many other kinds interest as well. It seems a
good idea to find a differential operator A such that uk u, where u is a
solution of the limit equation Au = f Such a limit operator is usually
called the homogenized operator for the sequence Ak . Sometimes, the
term "averaged" is used instead of "homogenized". Let us look more
closely what kind of convergence one can expect for uk. Usually, we have
some a priori bound for the solutions. However, due to the rapid
oscillations of the coefficients, such a bound may be uniform with
respect to k in the corresponding energy norm only. Therefore, we may
have convergence of solutions only in the weak topology of the energy