This monograph is intended for an advanced undergraduate or graduate
course as well as for researchers, who want a compilation of
developments in this rapidly growing field of operations research. This
is a sequel to our previous works: "Multiple Objective Decision
Making--Methods and Applications: A state-of-the-Art Survey" (No.164 of
the Lecture Notes); "Multiple Attribute Decision Making--Methods and
Applications: A State-of-the-Art Survey" (No.186 of the Lecture Notes);
and "Group Decision Making under Multiple Criteria--Methods and
Applications" (No.281 of the Lecture Notes). In this monograph, the
literature on methods of fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making (MADM)
has been reviewed thoroughly and critically, and classified
systematically. This study provides readers with a capsule look into the
existing methods, their characteristics, and applicability to the
analysis of fuzzy MADM problems. The basic concepts and algorithms from
the classical MADM methods have been used in the development of the
fuzzy MADM methods. We give an overview of the classical MADM in Chapter
II. Chapter III presents the basic concepts and mathematical operations
of fuzzy set theory with simple numerical examples in a easy-to-read and
easy-to-follow manner. Fuzzy MADM methods basically consist of two
phases: (1) the aggregation of the performance scores with respect to
all the attributes for each alternative, and (2) the rank ordering of
the alternatives according to the aggregated scores.