About The Book
Only through understanding new technology and effective planning can
one pioneer the maximal use of such technology. In this era, nothing
will stop nations and corporations from seeking to own these new
technologies--so it is imperative that you do the same. Today, in both
our public and private institutions, comprehensive understanding of
technology is rare, especially by general staff or even decision-makers
who are not technological specialists. This can lead to an organization
wasting resources on digital transformation projects due to a lack of
clarity and understanding or setting impossibly lofty goals. This book
sets a general framework that can easily be understood by anyone for
digital transformation projects. With a focus on artificial intelligence
and quantum computing, truly technologies of the future, you can
understand this technology and adapt it to transform your institution
into a "smart" organization. Throughout the book, you will learn from
different perspectives, reports, and even events to understand the
impact these technologies will have. Whether you're in the private or
public sector, you will find practical and easily understandable advice
for utilizing technology in the future.