This antiquarian book contains a detailed treatise on furniture, with
information on furniture finishing, decorating, and patching. A
wonderful book full of fascinating information, easy-to-follow guides,
and detailed pictures, this text is perfect for those with an interest
in the history of furniture and will be of special interest to those
keen on learning how to restore and maintain their own furniture. The
chapters of this book include: Egyptian - Assyrian (2000-500 B.C.);
Greco-Roman (Classical Period, 500 B.C.-500A. A.D.); Gothic (The Middle
Ages, 1200-1443); Italian Renaissance (1500-1700); Tudor and Elizabethan
(The English Renaissance, 1485-1603); William and Mary (First Dutch
Influence, 1689-1702); Queen Anne (Dutch Influence at Height,
1702-1750); Chippendale (1750-1830); Heplewhite (1750-1830); et cetera.
We are proud to republish this antique book now complete with a new
introduction on making and restoring furniture.