Fundraising Is helps fundraisers build a sustainable plan for their
own and their organization's success.
Those who work in fundraising for a nonprofit as a professional or as a
volunteer, chances are they are in the minority. There are several
people involved in delivering the mission of the organization, but not
many that are involved in ensuring that mission is paid for. Many
organizations depend on a significant amount of their funding from the
public. When it comes to raising those funds, each organization is
unique when it comes to strategy, effort, and success. However, the
expectation is always very high. As a result, many professionals only
last at one organization less than 2 years. Few understand that before
they even get to asking for money, there is A LOT that needs to be
accomplished. Fundraising Is covers many of the activities that make
asking for money almost natural, but definitely easier, and those
conducting the ask more successful in their attempts.