Examine your world to find fresh and tasty wild foods!
Stumbling upon plump wild berries on a hike or discovering succulent
fresh mushrooms on the forest floor can be a welcome surprise. Turn up
these happy accidents to a whole new level with the only guide on
foraging you'll ever need!
Chock full of tips on finding and identifying fruits, flowers, roots,
shoots, nuts, foliage, and more, this helpful guide shows you how to
safely and successfully find and enjoy wild edibles.
In this Outdoor Adventure Guide, you'll find:
-Detailed descriptions of over 70 plants and wild foods you can safely
pick and eat.
-Color photos of safe-to-eat plants at various stages of development.
-30 tasty recipes to transform your harvests into delicious dishes in
the field.
-Tips of foraging safely, spotting possible pollutants, and protecting
yourself from insects and wild animals.
-A handy calendar of when plants are available by season and region.
Welcome to a new frontier of delicious and nutritious free finds!