E.H. Kampelmacher (chairman) The application of ionizing radiation is
the most modern technique being used in the battle against bacterial
decay and in the elimination of pathogenic microorganisms in food-
stuffs. Intensive world-wide studies have shown that this technique is
effective, has no detrimental effects on human health and can be applied
safely. These facts have all been confirmed recently by a Committee of
experts from the World Health Organization, who have been carefully
evaluating data since 1960. In spite of these convincing data, most
countries do not make use of the technique ai all, and some only
hesitatingly. This is mainly due to the emotional resistance of the
consumer. From the start the Netherlands has made a very important
contribution to the irradiation of food, through microbiological and
toxicological research as well as through the setting-up of a pilot
plant by the government and through the practical application of
"Gammaster" on a commercial basis. The initiative of "Gammaster" to
celebrate its tenth anniversary by organizing a symposium in which all
aspects of food irradiation are considered is most laudable.