Look around you and discover nature's incredible patterns
Branching, spiraling, spinning--you can find patterns almost anywhere in
nature, if you look for them. This book is a starting point that
introduces kids to some major patterns in the natural world. Just as the
branches of a tree spread upwards into the sky, roots branch deep into
the ground. Branches also spread through our bodies, inside our lungs
and veins. Storms and snail shells spiral; electrons and galaxies spin.
With brief text and full-spread illustrations, this book is designed to
inspire kids to observe, discover, and explore hidden structures and
shapes in the natural world around them. Why are things the way they
are? This question, key to scientific inquiry, runs throughout the text.
Artwork in multilayered screen prints shows how the natural world is
inherently beautiful, from the curve of your ear to the spiraling arms
of our galaxy. Kids will come away with new STEM knowledge and a deeper
understanding that we are all connected to nature and part of its