The research work of the collaborative research center SFB401 Flow
Modulation and Fluid-Structure Interaction at Airplane Wings at the
Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen, which is
reported in this book, was pos- sible due to the financial support of
the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). The proposal has been
approved after evaluation by the referees of DFG selected from other
universities and industry, which is gratefully acknowledged. The work is
still in progress and now approved to continue until the end of year
2005. More than 50 scientists from universities of the United States,
Russia, France, Italy, Japan, Great Britain, Sweden, Netherlands,
Switzerland, Austria and research orga- nizations NASA, ONERA, NLR, DLR
could be invited and have visited the research center, gave seminars on
their research on related topics and some of them stayed longer for
joined work. Besides its scientific value, also the importance of the
pro gram for scientific educa- tion becomes evident by looking at the
numbers of completed theses, which are up to now about 15 doctoral
theses, 40 diploma theses and 70 study theses. The authors of this book
acknowledge the valuable support coming from all these persons and
institutions. They are especially grateful to the referees having
reviewed this work, A. Cohen (Universite Pierre et Marie Curie), J.
Cooper (Manchester School of Engineering), W. Devenport (Virginia
Tech.), M. Drela (MIT), F. Gern (Avionics Specialties Inc.), A. Griewank
(TU Dresden), H. Hönlinger (DLR), P.