You can't change what you can't track. The A4-sized, Darebee Fitness
Log: 100 Days Of Change is for everyone who wants to track their
workouts and keep a journal of their fitness journey to stay active, get
fitter, improve muscle tone and feel better.
Over 100 days you can track:
- The type of workout you do each time
- The workout intensity you experience
- Moods and feelings that affect you
- The muscle groups you exercise
- Food intake and overall nutrition
- Meditation time
- Liquid intake
- Stress levels
- Sleep quality
Through your log you build a comprehensive, analytical picture of your
fitness journey, inside and out. This helps you understand what works
best for you, what affects you the most and what you can do to improve
your health and fitness, faster.
Optimize the variables that affect your body and mind and find the
shortest route to a better physical, mental and emotional version of