Martial artists require a unique physical training program, one that
ensures that powerful attacking and rapid counterattacking techniques
can be used in self-defense performed over the full course of any
contest or practice. In Fitness for Full-Contact Fighters, trainer,
author, and fighter Christoph Delp presents a fitness training program
expertly tailored to the martial arts. The book, amply illustrated with
spectacular photographs from renowned photographers, details the basics
of martial arts fitness training and offers an in-depth description of
its various elements: flexibility, stamina, and power. The exercises are
described in detail and presented step-by-step by leading martial
artists. The book focuses on planning and monitoring one's training and
includes complete training programs as well as extensive advice on the
proper diet. With this guide, martial artists at all skill levels, from
newcomers to those at an advanced level, vastly improve their ability to
perform in training and competition.