In "Finding your Granite", Executive Leadership Coach and Mentor Douglas
Pflug walks you through some of the life experiences, lessons and key
take-ways from his years as a dual sport university athlete, 28 years as
a police officer, 30 years as an elite strength and conditioning coach,
mentor and leader.
Douglas accomplishes this through four very dynamic, energetic and
heartfelt sections entitled: "The Struggle" "Dash Leadership" "Four
Cornerstones of Personal Leadership" and "Rise Up and Excel". The
Author's mentoring and protégé process and implementation of
#RiseUpAndExcel and #StrongerFasterFitter methodologies assists people
in discovering "who they were, who they are and whom they want to be"
moving forward in this post COVID 19 world.
This book was written through the eyes of an "everyday guy" and designed
to educate, entertain and inspire front line 911 emergency workers to
seek and achieve their potential. Additionally, this book will also be
an essential resource for individuals and business leaders who wish to
stay ahead of the evolving leadership trends of strategic thinking,
inspiration and motivation, strong interpersonal skills, vision,
decisiveness and passion.