One of the key issues relating to the perfonnance of national economies
is the efficiency of the financial system which stands at the heart of
the capital-allocation process. There are two aspects which define
efficiency. Static efficiency involves the ali-in difference between
rates of return provided to ultimate savers and the cost of funds to
users. This 'gap', or spread, reflects the direct costs of production
(operating and administrative costs, cost of capital, etc.). It also
reflects losses incurred in the financial process, as well as any
monopoly profits earned and liquidity premiums. Financial processes that
are considered 'statically inefficient' are usually characterised by
high 'spreads' due to high overhead costs, high losses, barriers to
entry, and the like. Dynamic efficiency is characterised by high rates
of financial product and process innovation through time. Successful
product and process innovation broadens the menu of financial products
available to ultimate issuers, ultimate savers, or other agents along
the various financial process channels described above. Probably the
most powerful catalyst affecting the competitive dynamics of the
financial services industry has been technological change.