A properly formed film plays a vital role in the quality of coatings.
This book provides a comprehensive overview of all aspects of film
formation, from application to coatings technology, including the
underpinning scientific principles.
Mischke enables the reader to gain an understanding of all aspects of
film formation: basic coating concepts, the scientific principles of
film formation, and practical aspects of the application of coatings.
This approach enables those without an advanced scientific background to
fully understand the principles that underlie film formation. It also
provides invaluable best-practice guidance in the formulation of perfect
coatings that meet the highest standards of quality and durability.
Film Formation in Modern Paint Systems provides an essential guide for
novices, students and professionals wanting to deepen their theoretical
knowledge and practical understanding. It is also an invaluable
reference for experts, providing troubleshooting and scientific
information for a wide range of problems and challenges.
In addition to the fundamentals and techniques of film formation, this
book covers the polymer and physico-chemical aspects of film formation
in detail.
Mischke is one of Europe's most active coatings educators, and his
approach to this subject matter enables readers who lack an academic
background in chemistry to understand the more specialized content of
the later chapters without a prior background in academic science. Peter
Mischke also offers a wealth of practical insights, techniques and
rules-of-thumb derived from his extensive professional and training