In 1999, a suite of three new conditions of contract was published by
FIDIC, following the basic structure and wording harmonised and updated
around the previous FIDIC Design-Build and Turnkey Contract (the 1992
''Orange Book''). These conditions, known as the ''FIDIC rainbow, were
the Conditions of C- tract for: l Construction, the so-called Red Book,
for works designed by the Employer l Plant and Design-Build, the
so-called Yellow Book, for works designed by the Contractor l
EPC/Turnkey Projects, the so-called Silver Book, for works designed by
the Contractor The ?rst is intended for construction works where the
Employer is responsible for the design, as for per the previous
so-called Red Book 4th Edition (1987), with an important role for the
Engineer. The other two conditions of contract are intended for
situations when the Contractor is responsible for the design. The Plant
and Design-Build Contract has the traditional Engineer while the
EPC/Turnkey Contract has a two-party arran- ment, generally with an
Employer's Representative as one of the parties.