How to select a boat, plan your project, finish the job, and actually
head for the water.
Over the past thirty to forty years boat builders, large and small, have
produced tens of thousands of fiberglass boats. Many now sit abandoned,
waiting for some tender care to get back on the water where they belong.
Fiberglass unlike many other types of boatbuilding materials does not
rot, rust, or break down over the years. Many people have realized this,
of course, and have started what they think will be an easy project.
They were wrong, and many well-intentioned renovations sit abandoned.
Whatever the reason for wanting to take on the restoration of a project
boat, proper planning and organization can make the difference between
success and failure. Fiberglass Boat Restoration is about how to plan,
organize and successfully complete a project boat restoration. It will
explain why it is important to put your efforts and resources into some
areas and not others. It contains valuable information about what to
look for when considering the purchase of a project boat. Although the
focus of the book is fiberglass, the information will be useful to
anyone undertaking the building or restoration of any boat.