The fifteenth European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics has
taken place during the week of June 5th to 9th, in the lovely village of
Peniscola, approximately midway between Barcelona and Valencia on the
Mediterranean coast. This conference continues the tradition initiated
in 1972 at Budapest, where the first conference took place, and followed
in Graz (1973), Tiibingen (1975), Vlieland (1976), Uppsala (1977), Dubna
(1979), Sesimbra (1980), Fer- rara (1981), Tbilisi (1984), Fontevraud
(1987), Uzhgorod (1990), Elba (1991) and Amsterdam (1993). During this
week, a total of one hundred and fifty one scientist were exchang- ing
their knowledge and initiatives in this broad field of Few-Body Physics.
Even if the name of the conference restricts its domain to Europe, there
has been an important participation of scientists from non-European
countries. A conference with more than twenty years of tradition is
already an au- tonomous being, with a noticeable inertia. Nevertheless,
it is a reasonable thought to bend this inertia trying to introduce some
innovation, of course, without any damage to the basic structure and
objectives of the conference.