Feedback circuits in general, and op. amp. applications which embody
feedback principles in particular, playa central role in modern
electronic engineering. This importance is reflected in the
undergraduate curriculum where it is common practice for first-year
undergraduates to be taught the principles of these subjects. It is
right therefore that one of the tutorial guides in electronic
engineering be devoted to feedback circuits and op. amps. Often general
feedback circuit principles are taught before passing on to op. amps.,
and the order of the chapters reflects this. It is equally valid to
teach op. amps. first. A feature of the guide is that it has been
written to allow this approach to be followed, by deferring the study of
Chapters 2, 4 and 5 until the end. A second feature of the guide is the
treatment of loading effects in feedback circuits contained in Chapter
5. Loading effects are significant in many feedback circuits and yet
they are not dealt with fully in many texts. Prerequisite knowledge for
a successful use of the guide has been kept to a minimum. A knowledge of
elementary circuit theory is assumed, and an under- standing of basic
transistor circuits would be useful for some of the feedback circuit