The Nigerian federal character principle was first introduced in the
1979 Constitution (and retained in the 1999 Constitution) as practical
solution of Nigeria's perennial ethnic conflict. Unfortunately, the good
intentions of the makers of the 1979 Constitution regarding the
provision of federal character were misunderstood, abused and thwarted
over the years by military regimes and largely also by their democratic
successors since 1999. The principle has been left to take different
interpretations and to be applied arbitrarily by any government in
power. In fact, both to the policy-makers and many Nigerian scholars,
the principle should be applied as "affirmative action" and "quota
system". Some scholars even confuse it with the principle of federalism.
Nigeria's federal character in none of these. The distinction of federal
character from the other principles, but especially from affirmative
action (in the case, the American version, from where the concept of
affirmative action originated), constitutes the central thrust of this
work. A critical re-examination of its original constitutional
intentions and meaning as a principle of "ethnic engineering" on the one
hand, and as a version of "consociational democracy", on the other hand,
has been carried out so as to redirect and otherwise laudable principle
from being a divisive factor to a unifying one from which it was