El nuevo libro de Tonya Hurley, autora de la serie superventas
Wren Grayson odia los pájaros.
Los odia porque la despiertan cada mañana. Los odia porque su padre,
ornitólogo, está obsesionado con ellos. Los odia porque se llevaron a su
madre. Y porque sueña con ellos y le hablan. Y porque cuando lo hacen,
ella los entiende.
Pero solo los pájaros podrán coser las heridas que han roto su familia,
y devolverle a su madre, perdida en las marismas de Luisiana, que
ocultan un mundo lleno de magia y leyenda.
The new book by Tonya Hurley, author of the bestselling Ghostgirl
Wren Grayson hates birds.
She hates them because they wake her up every morning.She hates them
because her father, an ornithologist, is obsessed with them. She hates
them because they took her mother away. And because she dreams of them
and they talk to her. And because when they do, she understands them.But
only the birds will be able to sew the wounds that have broken her
family, and give back her mother, lost in the marshes of Louisiana,
which hide a world full of magic and legend.