Fashion buying and merchandising has changed dramatically over the last
20 years. Aspects such as the advent of new technologies and the
changing nature of the industry into one that is faster paced than ever
before, as well as the shift towards more ethical and sustainable
practices have resulted in a dramatic change of the roles. As a result,
contemporary fast fashion retailers do not follow the traditional buying
cycle processes step by step, critical paths are wildly different, and
there has been a huge increase in 'in-season buying' as a response to
heightened consumer demand.
This textbook is a comprehensive guide to 21st-century fashion buying
and merchandising, considering fast fashion, sustainability, ethical
issues, omnichannel retailing, and computer-aided design. It presents an
up-to-date buying cycle that reflects key aspects of fashion buying and
merchandising, as well as in-depth explanations of fashion product
development, trend translation, and sourcing. It applies theoretical and
strategic business models to buying and merchandising that have
traditionally been used in marketing and management.
This book is ideal for all fashion buying and merchandising students,
specifically second- and final-year undergraduate as well as MA/MSc
fashion students. It will also be useful to academics and practitioners
who wish to gain a greater understanding of the industry today.