"About binomial theorems I'm teeming with a lot of news, With many
cheerful facts about the square on the hypotenuse. " - William S.
Gilbert (The Pirates of Penzance, Act I) The question of divisibility is
arguably the oldest problem in mathematics. Ancient peoples observed the
cycles of nature: the day, the lunar month, and the year, and assumed
that each divided evenly into the next. Civilizations as separate as the
Egyptians of ten thousand years ago and the Central American Mayans
adopted a month of thirty days and a year of twelve months. Even when
the inaccuracy of a 360-day year became apparent, they preferred to
retain it and add five intercalary days. The number 360 retains its
psychological appeal today because it is divisible by many small
integers. The technical term for such a number reflects this appeal. It
is called a "smooth" number. At the other extreme are those integers
with no smaller divisors other than 1, integers which might be called
the indivisibles. The mystic qualities of numbers such as 7 and 13
derive in no small part from the fact that they are indivisibles. The
ancient Greeks realized that every integer could be written uniquely as
a product of indivisibles larger than 1, what we appropriately call
prime numbers. To know the decomposition of an integer into a product of
primes is to have a complete description of all of its divisors.