The pOint of view behind the present work is that the connection between
a statistical model and a statistical analysis-is a dua- lity (in a
vague sense). In usual textbooks on mathematical statistics it is often
so that the statistical model is given in advance and then various in-
ference principles are applied to deduce the statistical ana- lysis to
be performed. It is however possible to reverse the above procedure:
given that one wants to perform a certain statistical analysis, how can
this be expressed in terms of a statistical model? In that sense we
think of the statistical analysis and the stati- stical model as two
ways of expressing the same phenomenon, rather than thinking of the
model as representing an idealisation of "truth" and the statistical
analysis as a method of revealing that truth to the scientist. It is not
the aim of the present work to solve the problem of giving the
correct-anq final mathematical description of the quite complicated
relation between model and analysis. We have rather restricted ourselves
to describe a particular aspect of this, formulate it in mathematical
terms, and then tried to make a rigorous and consequent investigation of
that mathematical struc- ture.