""Theory of Evolution is a theory that applies to explain the structure
of all living things, has recently become very much debated. In
particular, the main impact of Evolution Theory rolled out with emphasis
on the evidence, all at once to explain the complex nature of living
things can not explain all of them sought the answer to the question.
This study also, recently, especially Richard Dawkins, published by the
ideas of creation and the recent rise of anti materialist / atheist
framework, developing a realistic response."" "Evrim Teorisi'nin tum
canlilarin yapisini aciklayabilecek kadar gecerli bir teori olup
olmadigi son zamanlarda oldukca cok tartisiliyor. Ozellikle Evrim
Teorisi'nin ortaya atilmasinda temel etkiye sahip kanitlar uzerinde
durularak bunlarin canlilarin kompleks yapisinin tumunu aciklayip
aciklayamayacagi sorusunun yaniti aranmaktadir. Bu calisma, ayni zamanda
son zamanlarda Batida yukselise gecen Richard Dawkins gibi yaratilis
karsiti goruslere de Gercekci bir cevap niteligindedir..""