A thrilling showdown brings the Dark Matter trilogy to a satsifying
close. Shay is trapped at the Multiverse compound while looking for the
real Callie, and an unforgiving Kai is her best chance at outsmarting
Alex and saving countless lives.
Shay has left Kai once again by following Alex to his Multiverse
compound. Her goal is to find the real Callie, but Shay discovers that
the younger girl has no memory of her past. Their hope is to leave the
community. While Shay pretends to be a devoted follower, Alex makes his
own plans to use Shay to spread the epidemic he caused with his dark
matter experiments. The survivors will be only the most worthy
humans--those who evolve special abilities.
The opportunistic Freja further poisons Kai's memories of his
girlfriend. Angry and hurt, Kai doubles down on his mission to reveal
that his former stepfather is behind the epidemic, but he has little
luck convincing the authorities--until it's almost too late to save Shay
from a fate worse than death.