Please do NOT skip any line. Else the link will be missed and Book will
not make sense. We go on building step by step. We give reference to
many Books, Tools and web pages etc. While it is always nice to have
self contained Books, the topic is so vast that, we have pointers to
references. Second intention is to not repeat what is already mentioned
by other Authors. We start with simple computer then move on to
8085/8086/x86 and present day computers. We discuss about systems
programming parallel computers. We stop at classical computers. We do
not dicuss Quantum computers intentionally. However, some good Books for
Quantum computing are mentioned in this Book which can always be
referred to. To re-iterate the focus is classical computers and their
evolution and evolution of software along. We dicuss compilers at
length. gcc and intel cc are discussed. We restrict the hardware to
Intel family of chips because they are widely used. We refer 13 Books in
this Book and critically review what is important in each of those
Books. How they are relevant to this Book and so on. This Book is
basically for very advanced users.Specifically people with advance
knowledge of both software and hardware.