This book presents an integrated approach to the study of the evolution
of the Archean lithosphere, biosphere and atmosphere, and as such it is
a unique contribution to our understanding of the early Earth and life.
The structural and geochemical make-up of both the oceanic and
continental crust of the Archean Earth is documented in some case
studies of various cratons, and the implications of the Phanerozoic
plate and plume tectonic processes for the Archean geology are discussed
in several chapters in the book. All chapters are process-oriented and
data-rich, and reflect the most recent knowledge and information on the
Archean Earth. The interdisciplinary approach of examining the evolution
of the Archean crust, oceans, and life that we adopt in this book sets
it apart from previous publications on Precambrian geology.
The book will be attractive to researchers in academia and in industry,
and to senior undergraduate students, graduate students and faculty in
earth and natural sciences.