How organisms come to possess adaptive traits is a fundamental question
for evolutionary biology. Although it is almost impossible to
demonstrate evolution in the laboratory, this issue can be approached by
using an unusual organism, "Dark-fly" Drosophila melanogaster kept in
complete darkness for 57 years through 1,400 generations, which
corresponds to 28,000 years in terms of human generations. Has Dark-fly
adapted to an environment of total darkness? If so, what is the
molecular nature of the adaptation? In Evolution in the Dark, the
remarkable findings from the Dark-fly project performed at Kyoto
University are presented. It was found that Dark-fly did not have poor
eyesight, but rather exhibited higher phototaxis ability and displayed
lengthened bristles on the head that function as tactile receptors.
Circadian rhythms were weakened but still retained in Dark-fly. With
recent progress in genome science enabling researchers to perform whole
genome sequencing for Dark-fly, a large number of mutations were
identified including genes encoding a light receptor, olfactory
receptors, and enzymes involved in neural development. The Dark-fly
project is a simple but very long-term experiment. Combined with
advanced techniques in genetics and genomics, it is a valuable tool for
understanding the molecular nature of adaptive evolution.