It started out as the Full Life Study Bible; then it became the Life in
the Spirit Bible. Now we know it as the new and improved Fire Bible--a
reference library in one volume. Originally conceived as a tool to help
Pentecostal pastors and lay leaders preach, teach, and reach others with
the Gospel, this English Standard Version Study Bible is now available n
large print with 12-point type. It includes extensive notes, background
articles on key issues and authoratative commentary, along with dozens
of other unique features. Created by Life Publishers International.
Special Features: *Themefinders--poin readers to 12 major map themes of
the Pentecostal tradition. *More than 70 articles explain historical
and theological aspects of major topics. * Study notes for key verses.
*Book introductions. *Subject index; cross-references; concordance.
*In-text maps and charts. * One-year reading plan; and a color maps
section.*New type is 12 points: larger than any previous Fire Bible.