Essentials of Youth Fitness is an evidence informed, practical guide
for fitness and strength and conditioning professionals working with
younger clientele. Backed by the American College of Sports Medicine
(ACSM) and coauthored by three leading authorities in pediatric exercise
science, this cutting-edge book reflects current research. It is built
around the modern understanding that youth are not simply smaller
versions of adults but are instead a special population with their own
specific needs.
This is a must-have resource for professionals working with young
clients. Readers will learn the scientific theories behind youth
training as well as how to apply them to help design effective programs
that maximize creativity, engagement, and fun.
This seminal resource is broken into three parts to systematically
bridge the gap between science and practice. Part I lays the groundwork
for understanding fundamental concepts of pediatric exercise science,
including physiology, growth and maturation, long-term athletic
development, and pedagogical strategies.
Part II is devoted to the assessment of youth fitness and development of
fitness components, including motor skill, strength and power, speed and
agility, and aerobic and anaerobic fitness, and it features a chapter on
designing integrative training programs. This practical section will
demonstrate the impact of factors specific to youth on fitness, and it
will teach readers how to design programs to meet the needs of youth of
varying abilities and different stages of development. Sample training
sessions with accompanying exercise photos within each chapter offer
clear visual guidelines for implementing exercises correctly.
Part III delves into modern-day topics specific to the youth population,
including participation in organized sports and injury concerns;
overweight and obese youth; those diagnosed with clinical conditions
such as diabetes, asthma, and physical and mental disabilities; and the
role of nutrition in healthy lifestyle habits.
Learning aids throughout the text enhance comprehension and enable
practitioners to quickly locate important information. Chapter
objectives and key terms reinforce learning, while Teaching Tip boxes
contextualize important themes and Do You Know? boxes illustrate
practical application of the content.
Combining the science of pediatric exercise with the practice of
designing youth fitness programs, Essentials of Youth Fitness provides
professionals with the information necessary to create a safe, effective
exercise experience that sparks an ongoing interest in active play,
exercise, and sports participation.
Earn continuing education credits/units! A continuing education exam
that uses this book is also available. It may be purchased separately or
as part of a package that includes both the book and exam.