Understanding and applying the principles of ergonomics consistently in
an organization not only reduces the risk of employee injuries, but it
also reduces an organization's costs and increases productivity. This
newly updated handbook examines 17 new workplace factors--50 in all--to
consider when implementing an ergonomics program. Organized
alphabetically by factor, each section includes a descriptive checklist,
allowing managers to quickly assess each factor's status and level of
conformance with safety, quality, and productivity considerations. The
author, an internationally recognized expert and public speaker, will
show you why ergonomics is a business solution and not a business
problem, how to create cost-effective ergonomics programs, which
step-by-step procedures to use for evaluating a workplace environment
and implementing ergonomic changes, how to accommodate the needs of
aging and disabled workers, and how to use ergonomics to increase
productivity. A glossary of ergonomic terms and a listing of sources of
additional information are included.