R. S. SHALLENBERGER Cornell University, New York State Agricultural
Research Station, New York, USA Among the material to be discussed in
this first section of the 'Enzymes and Food Processing Symposium' is
subject matter that can be viewed as a marriage between enzyme
technology and sugar stereochemistry. In order to bring the significance
of the material to be presented into proper perspective, I would like
you to pretend, for a moment, that you are a researcher making a
proposal on this subject to a Research Granting Agency in order to
obtain financial support for your ideas. However, the year is 1880.
Under the 'objectives' section of your proposal, you state that you
intend to attach the intangible vital force or spirit-that is, the
catalyst unique to the chemistry of living organisms-to an inert
substrate such as sand. Thereafter you will pass a solution of right-
handed glucose (also known as starch sugar) past the 'vital force' and
in the process convert it to left-handed glucose (also known as fruit
sugar). The peer review committee would probably reject the proposal as
sheer nonsense because the statements made were not only contrary to
their experience, but also contrary to what they had been taught.
Perhaps a few select people would have some feeling for what you were
talking about, but commiseration would be the only form of support that
they could offer.