NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Environmental Protection Against
Radioactive Pollution" was held in Almaty on September 16-19, 2002.
Experts from Azerbaijan, Denmark, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Norway, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Ukraine, USA, Uzbekistan and the
IAEA have participated and made presentations. The Workshop was
organized parallel to the "2nd Eurasia Conference on Nuclear Science and
its Application" held in Almaty on September 16-19, 2002 that was
organized by Institute of Nuclear Physics of Kazakhstan with Turkish
Atomic Energy Authority and National Academy of Science of Azerbaijan,
National Academy of Science of Kyrgyzstan, Institute of Nuclear Physics
of Uzbekistan. So, the number of participants for the Workshop was
rather high. The NATO Advanced Research Workshop generated important
interactions and provided a mechanism for scientists of different
nations and of varied disciplines to discuss challenges that confront
many countries around the world. The reports presented at the Workshop
were published in this NATO Science Series. The main directions of the
presented reports were as follows; General estimation of the radioactive
contamination of the territories and radiation hazardous objects,
including former military test sites, areas influenced due to Chernobly
and Mayak accidents, and territories of oil fields; Techniques and
procedures of radioecological monitoring; Techniques of determination of
radionuclide concentrations and its species in the environment.