Education brings an effective behavior modificationin an individual. It
should be given to allindividuals, irrespective of caste, creed or
anydifferences. However, the methodologies andstrategies followed differ
for individuals. It is notappropriate for the same curriculum to cater
theneeds of the individuals. Different curriculum withinnovative
teaching-learning strategies has to beapplied for Gifted, Slow Learners
andDifferently-abled children. Here, in this Study, anattempt has been
made to cater the needs ofDelinquent children who undergo their
regularschooling in children's Home. The investigator, afterthorough
observation felt that there is certainly aneed for change in curriculum
implementation forthese children. Hence, an attempt has been made
inpreparation of an Instructional Package for allsubjects with a
different strategy. This Packagetriggers the students' Affective Domain
objectives, which is the gateway for Cognitive and Psychomotorobjectives
fulfillment. When all these objectives arefulfilled, there is a certain
possibility inenhancement of the achievement level of the delinquents