Are you a graduate, postgraduate or PhD student? Building a CV or
profile can be difficult for anyone, but especially for those whose
first language is not English. This book is essential for those looking
to promote themselves in the academic community, and can be used both
for self-study, as well as in an English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
course. The book contains tips, do's and dont's, and discussion points
that can be used by instructors.
Based on interviews with recruiters and an analysis of hundreds of CVs
from around 40 different countries, the book is structured as a series
of FAQs. Topics covered include:
- how recruiters and HR people analyse a CV
- whether using a template is a good idea
- how to present your personal details and whether to include a photo
- how to write an Objective and a personal profile
- what to write in each section (Education, Work Experience, Skills,
Personal Interests)
- how to highlight your language, communication and team skills
- how to get and write references
The last chapter of the book contains a simple template to help you get
the job of your dreams!
Other books in this series include:
English for Writing Research Papers
English for Research: Usage, Style, and Grammar
English for Presentations at International Conferences
English for Academic Research: Grammar / Vocabulary / Writing
English for Academic Correspondence
English for Interacting on Campus
Adrian Wallwork is the author of over 40 books aimed at helping
non-native English speakers to communicate more effectively in English.
He has published with SpringerNature, Oxford University Press, Cambridge
University Press, Scholastic, BEP and the BBC.